3rd Oxford University Press Prize Sponsorship - GASCA International English Recitation and Speech Competition
🏆List of Winners :
4-8 years old
Champion 冠軍:
1st Runner Up 亞軍:
Lam Ho Kiu
2nd Runner Up 季軍:
Yau Chung Yin
Byul Han
Distinction Award 榮譽獎:
Tam Ching Yin Verena
Tang Sing Yan
Lee Zhi Kian
Wong Jun Kit
Cheung Ya Ting
Chan Ka Ho
Choi Chi Ching
Yeung Ming Fai
Cheng Chi Man
Ng Hiu Tung
Ho Ka Yan
Lam Ho Tin
Outstanding Award 優異獎:
Chan Yi Lok
Lin Hang Yan Avery
徐渝晴 Ellie
Ng Pak Chun Carney
Ryan Bo-Yu Chen
Ho Pak Yin
Ng Tin Nam Skyler
Wong Wai Sum
Chan Cheuk Kiu
Mika Adelia Tso
Wong Ka Yi
Hui Si Wing
Siu Ming Hin
Cheng Ya Man
Lai Hoi Ching
Chung Chi Keung
Ko Tin Long
Yeung Ho Yan
Lam Wai Kit
Ko Zi Ching
Chung Jun Wah
9-16 years old
Champion 冠軍:
Lai Yui Bok Morris
1st Runner Up 亞軍:
Jessie Wang
2nd Runner Up 季軍:
Tiew Traven
Distinction Award 榮譽獎:
Tiew Treston
Anson Hui
Luk Ka Yi
Yau Ming Yan
Pang Hiu Ying
Wu Wai Kit
Tang Zi Ho
Chao Chi Ho
Fung Jun Lam
Chan Hiu Yan
Lam Ka Jun
Choi Chi Hin
Hui Ya Lei
Wong Wai Man
Lee Ming Wai
Cheung Ka Sui
Outstanding Award 優異獎:
Chan Nga Lei
Chan Cheng Tong
Leung Tak Kiu
Celestino Keiana Ao Ieong
Lo Tsz Lok
Wong Ching Ho
Ng Wo Shing
Heung Tin Yau
Tsui Kam Hung
Chan Chi Ho
Lee Jun Hei
Cheung Hiu Tung
Wong Ka Yan
Ng Ming Chi
Choi Mei Ling
Cheng Ka Ho
Oxford Reading Club - 1 month membership Prize Winners:
Oxford Reading Club 一個月獨家會員資格得獎者:
The login information for the Oxford Reading Club Membership will be individually emailed to the winners on the 10th of August 2024. Please check your email inbox and be mindful that the email may be found in your promotions or spam folder.
Oxford Reading Club Membership 會員登入資訊將於2024年12月13日寄送到各得獎者的電子郵件。
Lam Ho Kiu
Jessie Wang
Yau Chung Yin
Byul Han
Tam Ching Yin Verena
Tang Sing Yan
Chan Yi Lok
Lin Hang Yan Avery
徐渝晴 Ellie
Tiew Treston
Tiew Traven
Anson Hui
Ng Pak Chun Carney
Lai Yui Bok Morris
Leung Tak Kiu
Lo Tsz Lok
Wong Ching Ho
Celestino Keiana Ao Ieong
Chan Nga Lei
Chan Cheng Tong
Ng Wo Shing
Heung Tin Yau
Tsui Kam Hung
Ryan Bo-Yu Chen
Ho Pak Yin
Ng Tin Nam Skyler
Wong Wai Sum
Chan Cheuk Kiu
Mika Adelia Tso
The competition has successfully concluded, congratulations to all the winners.
比賽圓滿結束, 恭喜各得獎者
冠軍,亞軍及季軍(各一名): 頒給相應最高分數的三位參賽者,可獲頒獎狀一張, 及獎盃乙個, Oxford Reading Club一個月獨家會員資格 , 直接入圍 GASCA 日本東京國際朗誦及演講比賽, 牛津大學出版社"biff, chip & kipper" 或 Very Short Introductions for Curious Young Minds series 書籍
榮譽獎 (85分或以上): 頒給獲優異表現, 85分或以上的參賽者,可獲獎狀一張, 及獎牌乙個,Oxford Reading Club一個月獨家會員資格 , 直接入圍 GASCA 日本東京國際朗誦及演講比賽
優異獎 (70分或以上):頒給獲優異表現, 70分或以上的參賽者,可獲獎狀一張, 及獎牌乙個。

再一次恭喜各得獎者 !
Champion, First Runner-Up, and Second Runner-Up (one for each group): Awarded to the three contestants with the highest scores, each will receive a certificate, a trophy, one month of exclusive membership to the Oxford Reading Club, direct qualification for the GASCA Tokyo Japan International Recitation and Speech Contest, and a book from either Oxford University Press's "Biff, Chip & Kipper" series or the Very Short Introductions for Curious Young Minds series.
Distinction Award (85 points or above): Awarded to contestants who have performed excellently, attaining 85 points or above, each will receive a certificate, a medal, one month of exclusive membership to the Oxford Reading Club, and direct qualification for the GASCA Tokyo Japan International Recitation and Speech Contest.
Outstanding Award (70 points or above): Awarded to contestants who have performed excellently, attaining 70 points or above, each will receive a certificate and a medal.

🏆Application for mailing Certificate/Medal & Trophy
All winners must complete the application by December 28. Please log into your GASCA account to instantly download the electronic certificates, view score sheets, and apply for the Tailor Made medalsand trophies.
所有得獎者必須於12月28日前完成申請。家長和導師們可以登入GASCA 戶口,即時下載電子獎狀,查看評分紙及申請郵寄獎狀/獎牌/獎盃。
🏆Application for International Instructor Award
Our organization has established the Outstanding Tutor Award to recognize tutors for their exceptional teaching, under which their students have performed well in competitions and won awards. All contestants who have won in the competition can apply for the award on behalf of their tutors.
Let us together pay tribute to the winners of the 'Outstanding Tutor Award,' thank them for their contributions to the field of education, and look forward to their continued innovation and efforts towards the growth and success of their students.
本會設有傑出導師大獎, 希望藉此表揚導師對其學生的傑出教導下, 在比賽中有優秀表現並獲得獎項 。所有比賽中獲獎的參賽者,都可以為其導師申請獎項。