
吳柏勳 (Alfredo)

書法創作者, 飛豆書法創辦人

Calligrapher, Founder of Alfredo Calligraphy

Alfredo Wu: The Calligraphy Artist Spreading Joy Through Handwriting 

A Self-Taught Talent 
Meet Alfredo Wu, a gifted calligrapher from Taiwan who embarked on his artistic journey at the tender age of 15. Fueled by a passion for the written word, he taught himself the intricacies of calligraphy. During his college years, with encouragement from friends, Alfredo took a bold step in 2015 by launching his Facebook and Instagram pages, “Alfredo Calligraphy.” This move allowed him to showcase his unique handwriting style to a wider audience online. 

A Diverse Creative Palette 
Alfredo’s creative repertoire is as rich and varied as his inspirations. He skillfully wields both fountain pens and traditional calligraphy brushes to craft stunning pieces that include song lyrics, famous quotes, sacred Buddhist scriptures, Lunar New Year spring couplets, and even logo designs. His talent has garnered him recognition beyond social media; he participated in a tourism advertising project with the Taiwan Tourism Administration at their San Francisco office and has performed live on numerous occasions, captivating audiences with his artistry. 

The Joy of Calligraphy 
For Alfredo, the essence of his art lies in the joy it brings to others. “The greatest happiness for me is to write beautiful words in my own calligraphy style, which also brings happiness and peace to people,” he shares. This philosophy is at the heart of “Alfredo Calligraphy,” a platform dedicated to serving others and spreading positive energy through the beauty of handwriting. 

A Bright Future Ahead 
As Alfredo Wu continues to explore new creative avenues and connect with people through his art, there’s no doubt that he will leave an indelible mark on the world of calligraphy. With each stroke of his pen, he not only expresses his artistic vision but also fosters a sense of joy and tranquility in those who encounter his work.

飛豆,本名吳柏勳(Alfredo),是一位來自台灣的書法創作者。他的書法旅程始於15歲,憑藉著自學的熱情和毅力,他逐漸在這片藝術領域中找到了自己的聲音。在大學期間,受朋友的鼓勵與建議,飛豆於2015年在Facebook和Instagram上成立了「飛豆書法 Alfredo Calligraphy」粉絲專頁,開始將自己的作品展示在網路世界。如今,他已經吸引了來自國內外的萬餘名粉絲。 




GASCA Latest Event: 

GASCA 美術比賽: 評審將根據參賽者的創意、繪畫技巧及作品構圖等範疇作出綜合評分。每一位參賽者都會獲得分別在每個範疇的分數,整體分數及評審簡短的評語。希望參賽者都能獲得鼓勵和對自已的繪畫特質、技巧等有進一步的了解。 更希望一眾參賽者繼續發揮美術天份,透過美術比賽,增強自信心。🌟

評分準則: 繪畫組: 創意 (40%), 繪畫技巧 (30%), 作品構圖 (30%) 

書法組: 字形 (50%), 筆畫(30%), 編章 (20%)

攝影組: 技巧(30%), 情感與故事性 (40%), 整體印象 (30%)

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