
Ia Erlandsson 

古典鋼琴演奏家, 管弦樂團作曲家

Classical Pianist,  Orchestra Composer 

Ia Erlandsson is a composer and arranger with a background in classical piano, progressing into playing keyboard in metal bands both for recordings and live performances. She has several years of musical studies, including a bachelor’s degree in musical composition from Örebro University in 2018 and a master’s degree in musical composition at Malmö Academy of Music in 2020. 

Through her music she strives to invite the listener to discover and appreciate new realms within contemporary art music. 

This is done by composing with a foundation of melodic structures and traditional harmonic progressions, with incorporation of novel compositional techniques which aspire to constantly push the limits of the music. Her background as a keyboardist playing metal and rock has led to the use of drive, rhythms and energy to be a noticeable aspect and a clear fingerprint in her musical expression. 

She has participated in creating music for film and theatre, along with composing music for orchestras, ensembles and musicians such as Helsingborg Symphony Orchestra, Norrköping Symphony Orchestra, string quartet Malvakvartetten, Academic Orchestra in Örebro, violinist Peter Sheppard Skærved, The Swedish Chamber Orchestra, and also Bergslagens Kammarsymfoniker since appointed to their “Composer of the Year 2017”. Here's a few music pieces composed by Ms. Ia Erlandsson:

GASCA 音樂比賽: 評審將根據參賽者的演奏技巧、演繹風格、音樂感及舞台感染力等範疇作出綜合評分。

每一位參賽者都會獲得分別在每個範疇的分數,整體分數及評審簡短的評語。希望參賽者都能獲得鼓勵和對自已的表演特質、技巧等有進一步的了解。 更希望一眾兒童及青少年繼續發揮音樂天份,透過音樂比賽,增強自信心。🌟

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