George Lazaridis
Film, Theatre, Musical Theatre Composer

George Lazaridis is a
composer who specialises in film, theatre, musical theatre, television and video game compositions, as well as other arts which can be conflated with music. He obtained Master of Arts: Music Composition For Films and Performing Arts at Ionian University.
Mr. Lazaridis has been involved in various famous musical projects as a lead composer, which included Composition, Orchestration and Music production for award winning movie "IDYLL", which was made in Los Angeles and released on Netflix and Cinema in United Stated. Other works included Orchestration and Music production for "Real Heroes Are Chosen" animated film, "Hal & Val" short film, etc. Additionally, he has a great number of self-composed songs under his name.

He participated in Athens Games Festival 2017, won the finalists 9 composers with two gorgeous music pieces. He also won the Finalists 12 composers at International Music Composition Competition with “Sacrarium” 2018 L’viv in United Kingdom. Here's a few music pieces composed by George Lazaridis: