GASCA International Public Speaking & Recitation Competition 正式接受報名! 獎品由牛津大學出版社贊助 , 包括牛津大學出版社的進口英文書籍和Oxford Reading Club電子閱讀平台 一個月獨家會員資格, 電子閱讀平台提供逾千本牛津英文故事書及多元化讀後學習活動 ! 當然獲勝者會獲頒發證書、獎牌和獎盃. 不要錯過這個機會 - 現在就報名,將你的英語技能提升到一個新的高度 !
Join us for an exhilarating English Recitation and Public Speaking Competition! Prizes are sponsored by the prestigious Oxford University Press. This unique event not only awards winners with certificates, medals, and trophies but also enriches their journey with books from Oxford University Press and an exclusive 1-month membership to the Oxford Reading Club. This membership grants access to over 1,000 reading materials and engaging learning activities designed to enhance your English learning experience. Don't miss this opportunity—sign up now and elevate your English skills to the next level!
榮獲85分以上的得獎者更直接入圍 GASCA 日本東京國際朗誦及演講比賽 , 代表你的地區或國家 ,親身前往日本東京比賽 !
Winners who score over 85 points will directly qualify for the GASCA Tokyo International Recitation and Public Speaking Competition in Japan, representing your region or country to compete in person in Tokyo!