2022 GASCA International Music Competition

2022 GASCA International Music Competition

Contestant NameAge Group Ranking
Adrian MelnichenkoGroup BDistinction
Andrew TseGroup BChampion
Ang EyanGroup EChampion
Ang EyanGroup EChampion
Aoi MiyazakiGroup JDistinction
Athikhun Poldi BoonsueGroup E1st Runner Up
Avarin ThongarnunGroup CDistinction
Ayumi YamamotoGroup ADistinction
Chan Hoi ChingGroup GChampion
Chan Lok SzeGroup FDistinction
Chan Wesley Chi WaiGroup ADistinction
CHAN, Judith Man KwanGroup DOutstanding
Chatchaporn Vanisornkul Group CDistinction
Chatchawin PhetsamrualGroup EDistinction
Chen Runyi Annie Group DDistinction
Chen Yuen ChiGroup FChampion
Cheung Yan ChingGroup DChampion
CHI HIU SHUNGroup H1st Runner up
Chik RosalieGroup B1st Runner up
Chisa KenthorrapakGroup DOutstanding
Chiu Tsz YuGroup DDistinction
Choi Sheung YinGroup DDistinction
Chow Kar Yee KarlyGroup C1st Runner up
Daichi WatanabeGroup HOutstanding
Emi TakahashiGroup GOutstanding
Fong Ho ShunGroup DChampion
Fong Wan Ching AbbyGroup EDistinction
Foster HendersonGroup D1st Runner Up
Foster HendersonGroup DChampion
Haruka KudoGroup FDistinction
Hiroto NakamuraGroup FOutstanding
Ka Yee, LaiGroup Hchampion
Kam Nok HangGroup EOutstanding
Kyran Ho Cheung ChanGroup EDistinction
Kazuki SatoGroup GOutstanding
Kaito NakamuraGroup GOutstanding
Lalisa KenthorrapakGroup AChampion
Lam Pak YuGroup CDistinction
Lau Chin YingGroup BDistinction
Lau Pak Kiu Michael Group CChampion
Lau Tsz YinGroup A1st Runner Up
Lau Yee Tung GraceGroup D2nd Runner Up
Lau Yiu ShunGroup B2nd Runner Up
Lee Lok HimGroup FChampion
Leung Ho YeeGroup C2nd Runner Up
Leung Shu TingGroup J2nd Runner Up
Li Hei Chi EmmaGroup CChampion
Li Yuet Yan GiselleGroup DDistinction
Liu Lai YukGroup J1st Runner up
Lucius iu Group EDistinction
Ma Ching HinGroup D1st runner Up
MAK ArionGroup DDistinction
MAK ArtemisGroup BOutstanding
Marion Yuet Hei ChanGroup DOutstanding
Miu Sze Ham Verna Group DDistinction
Morning Szu-Chen Huang Doleon Group JChampion
Mei SuzukiGroup HOutstanding
Nayada CharoensubGroup DDistinction
Ng Ching Him AidanGroup EDistinction
Ng Ka Ching Group HChampion
Pantila Phattanaphaiboonkul Group F1st Runner Up
Peerawich RattanapunGroup EDistinction
Pimkorn SuntornwatGroup BDistinction
Pimrose SuntornwatGroup EOutstanding
Ploypitcha Sinhirunwiwat Group B1st Runner Up
Ryo SuzukiGroup ADistinction
Ren MatsumotoGroup JDistinction
Raphael Au Group AChampion
Ravindra Asawapongpulkit Group EDistinction
Rina NakagawaGroup HOutstanding
Rosie Tong Yat TungGroup EDistinction
Sadapa Vanisornkul Group EDistinction
Shea Xi Min JadynGroup FChampion
SHEK Zin YinGroup JChampion
Sze Hoi YingGroup BDistinction
Sakura TanakaGroup FOutstanding
Tanchanok Vanisornkul Group DOutstanding
Tapanat NukaoGroup BDistinction
Tara MelnichenkoGroup E2nd Runner Up
Thanaphat RiangvilaikulGroup G1st Runner up
Takumi SaitoGroup FOutstanding
U HIN TOUGroup DDistinction
Wang, Elaine Zi WeiGroup F2nd Runner Up
Wong Chi Hua PhillipGroup DDistinction
Wong Ellie Lok SzeGroup EDistinction
Wong Evans Hau YanGroup G2nd Runner Up
Wong Hok Man CarlosGroup EOutstanding
Wong Yuk Hei AjaxGroup GChampion
Yip J I ZachGroup DDistinction
Yui IshikawaGroup FDistinction
Yuto NakajimaGroup JOutstanding
Yuki MoriGroup GOutstanding
何靖翹Group BOutstanding
潘迪信Group BChampion
陳玉嬋 Group JChampion

Congratulations to all the wonderful performances! 

🏆Application for Special Edition Trophy 


All the winners have already received your printed certificate and pennant/trophy during the awards ceremony. All winners may upgrade to a tailor made trophy with your name printed on it. You may choose the Special edition Crystal Trophy or the standard metal Trophy. 

Kindly note that shipping fee would be charged separately according to the local postal fee. 

All winners must complete the application before 30 April 2023. 

所有的獲獎者都已經在頒獎典禮上收到了你們的印刷證書和錦旗/獎盃。所有獲獎者都可以升級為印有你們名字的訂制獎杯。 您可以選擇特別版水晶獎杯或標準金屬獎杯。 請注意,運費將根據當地郵政費用另行收取。所有獲獎者必須在2023年4月30日之前完成申請。

🏆Application for International Music Instructor Award


In recognition of music instructor's guidance to their students, the instructors whose student won the championship, first runner-up, second runner-up, distinction award and outstanding award can apply for the Music Instructor Award; the instructor may choose the Special edition Crystal Trophy or the standard metal Trophy. 

Kindly note that shipping fee would be charged separately according to the local postal fee. 

All music instructors must complete the application before 30 April 2023. 

為表揚音樂導師給予學生的指導, 所有獲獎者的導師均獲得傑出音樂導師獎, 並可申請印有她/他們名字的訂制獎杯。 導師可以選擇特別版水晶獎杯或標準金屬獎杯。 請注意,運費將根據當地郵政費用另行收取。所有導師必須在2023年4月30日之前完成申請。

 🏆Application for certificate and pennant


**Only applicable to winners who did not attend the awards ceremony**

**只適用於沒有出席頒獎典禮的參賽者 **

 For the ones who did not attend the award ceremony, you may now apply for the printed certificate and pennant/trophy to be shipped to your address. 

Kindly note that shipping fee would be charged separately according to the local postal fee. 

All winners must complete the application before 30 April 2023. 

 沒有出席頒獎典禮的獲獎者,您現在可以申請將免費的證書和錦旗/獎盃郵寄到您的地址。 所有獲獎者必須在2023年4月30日之前完成申請。請注意,運費將根據當地郵政費用另行收取。

Once again, Congratulations on winning the award, we hope to see you again in our other events!
