
Gianluca Fascetto


Profesional Portrait Abstract Painter

The Fascination with Tattoos

Adolescence brought a new dimension to his artistic journey. Introduced to the world of tattoos by older friends, he found himself utterly fascinated. Driven by a desire to merge art with vocation, he embarked on a self-taught exploration into tattooing. His early experiments were soon followed by a regional course, marking the beginning of his tattooing career. Initially practicing on his own skin and then on friends, he honed his skills and embraced this unique form of artistry.

An Artist's Path

From the serene landscapes of Tuscany to the vibrant world of tattoo art, this artist's path is a testament to passion and perseverance. With each brushstroke and inked design, he continues to explore new realms of creativity, leaving an indelible mark on both canvas and skin.

A Self-Made Artist: Crafting a Unique Path in the World of Art

Passion Fueled by Curiosity

Driven by an insatiable passion for art, this artist has carved out his own unique path, filling the gaps in formal education with boundless curiosity and the vast resources of the internet. Through determination and self-guided learning, he has created a parallel journey that defies traditional norms.

Rediscovering the Essence of Art

For him, art is not just a profession but a way of life. Returning to the shop to experience art as it was once conceived—with sweat, technique, and the satisfaction of seeing even the smallest customer appreciate his work—fuels his creative spirit and propels him forward.

The Road Less Traveled

While he often wished for the guidance of a master or the structure of a formal artistic education to stand shoulder to shoulder with others in the field, he embraced his unconventional journey. Through relentless experimentation and perseverance, he developed his own understanding of artistic techniques, drawing inspiration from everything around him since childhood.

A Journey from Canvas to Skin: The Artistic Evolution of a Tuscan Talent

Early Beginnings in the Heart of Tuscany
Born in 1983 in the quaint town of Cinigiano, nestled in the Tuscan Maremma region of Italy, this artist's journey began with an innate passion for drawing and art. From a young age, the allure of creativity was ever-present, setting the stage for a lifelong pursuit of artistic expression.

Discovering Painting: A Pivotal Moment
At just nine years old, a serendipitous summer afternoon changed everything. While exploring educational art books, he stumbled upon Giovanni Fattori's masterpiece, "Libecciata." The encounter was transformative; captivated by its beauty, he attempted to recreate the painting with his fingers on canvas. Lost in the process, time seemed to stand still, and it was in that moment he realized painting would forever be an integral part of his life.

The Tattoo Artist's Global Classroom

His career as a tattoo artist has opened doors to an international world of learning. Attending painting workshops and courses across the globe, he continually expands his artistic horizons. This global exposure enriches his craft, blending diverse influences into his work.

A Testament to Perseverance

In a world where traditional paths are often revered, this artist's story is a testament to the power of perseverance and self-belief. By forging his own way, he demonstrates that passion and curiosity can lead to extraordinary artistic achievements.

GASCA Latest Event: 

GASCA 美術比賽: 評審將根據參賽者的創意、繪畫技巧及作品構圖等範疇作出綜合評分。每一位參賽者都會獲得分別在每個範疇的分數,整體分數及評審簡短的評語。希望參賽者都能獲得鼓勵和對自已的繪畫特質、技巧等有進一步的了解。 更希望一眾參賽者繼續發揮美術天份,透過美術比賽,增強自信心。🌟

評分準則: 繪畫組: 創意 (40%), 繪畫技巧 (30%), 作品構圖 (30%) 

書法組: 字形 (50%), 筆畫(30%), 編章 (20%)

攝影組: 技巧(30%), 情感與故事性 (40%), 整體印象 (30%)

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