
Сraig Coussins



The Power of Post-Processing

With the iPad Pro in hand, I discovered the ease of creating stunning images using post-processing software like Luminar Neo and AI. Compared to Photoshop, these tools felt more intuitive and accessible, allowing me to enhance my photographs effortlessly. While I still enjoy using DSLRs like Nikon and Fuji, the convenience and versatility of my upgraded iPad Pro (2024 edition) have become indispensable in my photography toolkit.

The Photographer's Eye

Through all these years and various camera upgrades, one truth remains clear: it’s not the camera that makes the picture; it’s the photographer behind it. A skilled photographer can create magic with any device. I’ve witnessed amateurs wielding expensive equipment struggle to capture decent images while talented individuals—like my wife—create breathtaking shots with compact cameras. She prefers lightweight gear over heavy DSLRs and interchangeable lenses, proving that passion and vision outweigh technical specifications.

A Shared Passion

Photography continues to be a source of joy for both my wife and me. For over two decades, we have embarked on countless adventures together, capturing beautiful images from around the globe. What’s fascinating is how we each interpret the same scene differently, bringing our unique perspectives into each shot.
The Journey of a Passionate Photographer

From Box Brownie to Digital Mastery

At the tender age of 10, I was gifted a Box Brownie Camera by my beloved Granma. My youthful enthusiasm for photography blossomed as I snapped pictures of everything that caught my eye. However, the rising costs of film processing soon tempered my excitement. Yet, this initial spark ignited a lifelong passion for capturing the world through a lens.

The Mamiya 500 SLR: A Turning Point

In 1970, I took a significant step in my photographic journey by purchasing my first serious camera: the Mamiya 500 SLR. This camera opened up a new realm of possibilities, allowing me to take thousands of images and refine my skills. I learned that for every 100 photographs, at least one would shine brighter than the rest—a lesson in patience and persistence.

Embracing Digital Photography

My transition to digital photography began with the Nikon D80, marking a new chapter in my creative expression. Over the years, I’ve embraced various Nikon models, each contributing to my growth as a photographer. However, everything changed in 2016 when my brother Paul and his lovely wife, Suzanne, gifted me an iPad Pro. This device was nothing short of revolutionary.

Portfolio on Сraig Coussins feature website: 


GASCA Latest Event: 

GASCA 美術比賽: 評審將根據參賽者的創意、繪畫技巧及作品構圖等範疇作出綜合評分。每一位參賽者都會獲得分別在每個範疇的分數,整體分數及評審簡短的評語。希望參賽者都能獲得鼓勵和對自已的繪畫特質、技巧等有進一步的了解。 更希望一眾參賽者繼續發揮美術天份,透過美術比賽,增強自信心。🌟

評分準則: 繪畫組: 創意 (40%), 繪畫技巧 (30%), 作品構圖 (30%) 

書法組: 字形 (50%), 筆畫(30%), 編章 (20%)

攝影組: 技巧(30%), 情感與故事性 (40%), 整體印象 (30%)

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